
Notary Services

China Appointed Attesting Officer Services

We provide service for attesting documents in Hong Kong to be used in Mainland China.

China Appointed Attesting Officer in our firm:

Mr. Chiu Kwok Wing Benedict

Mr. Szeto King Pui Albert

Ms. Lee Kar Man Carmen

Mr. Wong Kwok Kee Ben

Notary Public Services

Mr. John Hodgson

Civil and Commercial Litigation


BATS  for Litigation.

We believe that all litigation matters including civil and criminal litigation needs four considerations – “BATS” :


   Applicable Law

   Time Limits



First and foremost, we shall discuss with clients the amount of fee to be incurred, and have financial planning for the case with the clients.

Applicable Law

We shall advise clients what law and regulations are applicable to the matter.

Time Limits

We shall observe the time limits of the case strictly, so as to comply with the prescribed time limits and also handle the matter efficiently.


We shall discuss with our client the strategy.  The law does not change, but the strategy makes a lot of differences.

Our services include:

  • Commercial litigation including but not limited to contractual disputes, financial disputes and disputes under trust law, insurance related claims, etc.
  • Arbitration services, representing clients to participate in international arbitration, apply for enforcement of arbitration awards, etc.
  • Arbitration in China, representing clients to participate in arbitration proceedings in Mainland China, apply for enforcement of China arbitration awards in Hong Kong and vice versa
  • Land title disputes, landlord and tenant disputes, including adverse possession claims, disputes over real property title and rights, disputes arising from sale and purchase of properties, etc.
  • Contentious probate matters
  • Shareholders and directors disputes, including company internal disputes, disputes arising from directors’ meetings, shareholders’ meetings and shareholdings rights disputes
  • Intellectual property rights disputes
  • Money disputes including dishonoured cheques and debts collection by licensed money lenders
  • Defamation
  • Injunctions
  • Employment disputes
  • Judicial Reviews
  • Mental health related litigation
  • Professional negligence claims
  • Water leaking cases
  • Civil servants disciplinary proceedings
  • Medical Council disciplinary cases
  • Political refugees cases
  • Torture claimss

Personal Injury and Medical Negligence Cases

Our services include:

  • Employee Compensation Claims
  • Personal Injury or Death related negligence claims which arise from work injury; traffic accidents; occupiers’ liabilities; and all other common law negligence claims
  • Medical Negligence Claims against hospitals and individual medical practitioners

Criminal Litigation

We have 24 hours urgent telephone number : 9778 9773

Clients may call this number at any time and on any day to seek our urgent assistance, in particular when clients are in Police Stations, ICAC, Customs and Excise Department or Immigration Department.

Our services include:

  • Accompanying clients to be interviewed by law enforcing departments
  • Paying legal visits to clients, in law enforcing departments and prisons
  • Commercial fraud cases
  • ICAC cases
  • Securities and futures trading investigations
  • Money laundry cases
  • Dangerous drug cases
  • All other criminal cases including but not limited to violence related cases, sexual offences and fraud cases

Commercial Work


BATS for Commercial Work.

We believe that commercial legal work needs four considerations : BATS : Budget, Applicable Law, Tactics, Step in the Shoes of Clients.

Clients will work with us on the budget for the commercial deals.

Applicable Law:
We shall make clients aware of all the law and regulations which are applicable to the commercial deals.

There are a lot of commercial agreements/contracts/documents available on internet and are easily assessable by the public. We do not just provide the appropriate documents, but also devise tactics for the commercial deal negotiation.

Step in the Shoes of Clients:
Step in the shoes of clients and give commercial considerations to the deal.

Our services include:

  • Acquisition, merger and takeover of companies
  • IPO
  • Advice in respect of Securities and Futures Commission mattersApplications for licences (for securities brokers, securities dealers, fund managers and investment consultants)
  • Commercial agreements, including but not limited to shareholders agreement, company management agreement, consultancy agreement, agency agreement, distribution agreement, franchise agreement, manufacturing agreement, hire purchase and supply agreements, and terms and conditions for the sale and purchase of goods
  • Compliance of securities trading laws, Securities and Futures Ordinance, Hong Kong Codes of Takeovers and Mergers and Share Repurchase
  • Debentures
  • Employment agreements and Employer handbook
  • Establishment of representative or branch offices
  • Formation of limited companies and setting up of equity joint venture enterprise, contractual joint ventures and partnerships
  • Money Lender Licence application
  • Reorganization and restructuring of companies
  • Sale and purchase of company business and assets
  • Sale and purchase of shares and allotment of shares
  • Securities transactions including investments, share transfers and dispute resolution
  • Syndicated loans and other loan documentation (including group projects, mortgages, debentures, loan agreements, guarantees, memoranda of deposits and charges over securities, etc.)
  • Tax matters : advice on tax matters jointly with qualified accountants
  • Trust matters (including but not limited to creation of trust, appointment of trustee and trust property management)

Non-Contentious Civil Matters

We also provide the following services:

  • Preparing and witnessing the signing of deed polls for changing names
  • Preparing and witnessing the signing of powers of attorney
  • Legal Advice on the legality and feasibility of business activities


We have a full bank list and can deal with mortgages and re-mortgages of almost all banks in Hong Kong.

Our services include:

  • Sale and purchase of flats and houses
  • Sale and purchase of land
  • Tenancy agreements/Leases
  • Mortgages/Legal Charges
  • Re-mortgage of properties
  • Release/Discharge of Mortgages/Legal Charges

Wills and Probate Matters, and Enduring Powers of Attorney (“EPA”)

Our services include:

  • Will drafting and witnessing execution of Will
  • Acting as surety guarantee for clients who are not Hong Kong resident
  • Advising on estate planning
  • Contentious probate matters including but not limited to registering caveat in the Probate Registry
  • Non-contentious probate matters including but not limited to obtaining letters of probate/letters of administration for clients
  • Preparing and witnessing Enduring Powers of Attorney (“EPA”)

Advice to Incorporated Owners and on Building Management Matters

We provide legal advisory services to a number of housing estates and buildings in Hong Kong on annual retainer basis for many years.

Our services include:

  • Forming Incorporated Owners for housing estates and buildings
  • Advising on the daily management of housing estates and buildings
  • Convening and attending and advising in owners’ meetings
  • Advising management committee of Incorporated Owners
  • Registering and discharging memorandum of charges
  • Dealing with contentious matters arising from the management of housing estates and buildings
  • Dealing with contentious matters between Incorporated Owners and individual owners

Intellectual Property Rights Protection

Our services include:

  • Trade mark applications in Hong Kong, Mainland China and other jurisdictions in the world
  • Patent applications in Hong Kong, Mainland China and other jurisdictions in the world
  • Other intellectual property rights applications in Hong Kong, Mainland China and other jurisdictions in the world
  • Contentious intellectual property matters including but not limited to obtaining injunctions, mareva injunctions and anton pillar orders, processing clients’ civil claims, and assisting clients in making reports to Customs and Excise Department for infringement activities of criminal nature

Individual Voluntary Arrangements (“IVA”), Bankruptcy, Company Winding Up and Debt Restructuring

We believe that clients who are under financial constraints want to be “FREE”. When we act for such clients, we use our method of “FREE” :

Financial situation of the client will be assessed.
Review the outstanding principal and interest of debts.
Estimate the resources available for dealing with the debts.
Evaluate clients’ ability to restructure and repay the debts.

Our services include:

  • Arranging IVA process, procedures and proceedings for clients
  • Self-bankruptcy of clients
  • Applying for bankruptcy of clients’ debtors
  • Voluntary winding up proceedings of companies
  • Compulsory winding up proceedings of companies
  • Debt reconstructing of companies and individuals

Civil Celebrant of Marriages

We provide civil celebrant of marriages in our offices and also in other appropriate venues as requested by our clients

Civil Celebrants in our firm:

Chiu Kwok Wing Benedict

Szeto King Pui Albert

Lee Kar Man Carmen

Dan Man Yee Jessica

Chiu Wai Hing Idy

Lau Yan Ling Serena

Ng Leuk Ching Amanda

Lee Tit Fai Gordon

Fong Ka Po Eunice

Chan Pui Ling Polly

Fong Ka Pui Esther

Mediation Services

We provide general mediation services.

Mr. Chiu Kwok Wing Benedict


Mr. Benedict Chiu is an accredited mediator and also a mediator of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (“CCPIT”) of China.

Immigration Matters

Our services include:

  • Advising on Hong Kong immigration law and regulations
  • Applications for different types of visas to come and stay in Hong Kong including but not limited to working visas and student visas
  • Advising on and processing applications under the Quality Migrant Admission Scheme
  • Advising on and processing applications for Mainland Talents and Professionals (ASMTP) Entrants
  • Advising on and processing applications for investment as entrepreneurs visas
  • Advising and representing clients in criminal investigation and prosecution in connection with Hong Kong immigration law